Friday, September 9, 2011

Rick Perry for for your lives!

I think it is safe to assume that America is in deep doo-doo. Seriously, Rick Perry as front runner for the Republicans? Who knew they were that stupid?

I've never had much use for Republicans, comedic fodder aside, other than to exercise my neck muscles with that side to side tightening action they so relentlessly provide. I can only continue to shake my head in wonder and disgust at the antics of the presidential candidates this year.

Michele Bachman, who wears pantyhose with sandals for God's sake, has her weirdo husband to whom she is subservient with his wackadoodle vendetta against gay people, and she plays fast and loose with those pesky things called 'facts.' Thanks Founding Fathers, for your moral indignation about slavery!

Ron Paul just sounds like someone's crazy uncle after a few beers and a couple of rounds of horseshoes at the family reunion.

Mitt Romney is a slick one, no doubt about it, and probably has a cream puff of a used car he'd like to sell you for a helluva good deal. Honest, he won't make any money off the deal at all.

Newt Gingrich. Really? I mean, really?

Jon Huntsman seems like an earnest guy with good intentions, a modicum of intelligence, an admirable vocabulary with matching elocution skills, and telegenic good looks. He doesn't stand a chance amidst this pack of loons.

Rick Santorum will never escape his Google fate and thankfully so, what with his firm belief in intelligent design over that whole load of crap known as science.

Herman Cain, the pizza guy. If America's collective panties are in a wad over a half-black president, imagine the mob mentality that would break out if Cain was the nominee. Perhaps he could buy everyone off with coupons for free pizza. Except, sad to say, who would really want a Godfather's pizza, even if it was free?

So that leaves us with the anointed one, GOP Prince/Candidate in Waiting Rick Perry. He has deftly maneuvered Texas into a quagmire of debt, playing a shell game with federal money and state fees, robbing one fund to keep stave off the insolvency of another, stripping the public schools of necessary funding to educate our children. And that's just for starters.

Texas, once a proud and independent-minded state of can-do individuals, has become the unabashed home of cronyism, cynicism, and crippling poverty for a large segment of the population. It's real hard being poor in Texas but for many, it's a way of life from which there seems no escape. Governor for Life Rick Perry has presided over the decline for the past decade and crows about our trajectory like it is an accomplisment rather than a disgrace.

And now, with his outsized and overstuffed ego on the national stage, he's only goin' to get worse. Enough already with the dropped 'g's, Rick. We get it. You're a down-home dude, a man of the people. Just a good 'ol boy from Paint Crick. You are clearly living up to the potential of that Texas A&M grade point average.

Go Rick, go! Rah, rah, rah, ziff, boom, bah!

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