Trying mightily to struggle through a hastily called news conference, frequently interrupted by cavorting waterfowl, soon-to-be Ex-Governor Palin of Alaska finally puts that state out of its misery. We should all be so lucky.
How befitting that ducks were frolicking in her very own lake while she made the claim that she was quitting because she didn't want to be a lame duck governor since she'd decided not to run again. Nice props, Sarah! Almost as good as your stalwart family.
By quitting on a slow news day before a major national holiday, she was trying to avoid the inevitable digging by the TV talking heads. Maybe they'd be too consumed by the upcoming Michael Jackson spectacle to give her much air time? Oh, I think she underestimates how dedicated the news pundits are. Speculation on what our Sarah has up her sleeve will be plentiful, you betcha. If she thinks otherwise, she's dumber than even I think she is.
This is a woman who is a classic narcissist. She puts herself above and beyond everyone, including her own family. Her career, her goals, her beliefs. She is so completely unprepared for any national office, let alone making a run for the presidency in 2012, that her ambition is laughable. Hillary Clinton, who has a remarkable grasp of issues couldn't win the nomination. What on earth makes Sarah Palin think she has any chance at all against one of the most verbally gifted presidents we've ever had?
I feel sorry for her family. I feel sorry for the country because we all know that she has some big revelation coming up, informing a public grown weary of her uninformed garbled ideas of her next biggest thing. For sure she's writing a book. But books come and go, and often end up in the $5.00 bin. Honestly, I wouldn't buy it if someone offered me a free car to go with it. Well, maybe I would. What kind of car?
Talk show? Supreme Ruler of the Planet? Pregnant again? Training for a footrace with President Obama, a race she's sure she'd win due to her superior physical condition? Whatever it is, I can almost guarantee that it's going to make me run for the Pepto.
God help us all.
How befitting that ducks were frolicking in her very own lake while she made the claim that she was quitting because she didn't want to be a lame duck governor since she'd decided not to run again. Nice props, Sarah! Almost as good as your stalwart family.
By quitting on a slow news day before a major national holiday, she was trying to avoid the inevitable digging by the TV talking heads. Maybe they'd be too consumed by the upcoming Michael Jackson spectacle to give her much air time? Oh, I think she underestimates how dedicated the news pundits are. Speculation on what our Sarah has up her sleeve will be plentiful, you betcha. If she thinks otherwise, she's dumber than even I think she is.
This is a woman who is a classic narcissist. She puts herself above and beyond everyone, including her own family. Her career, her goals, her beliefs. She is so completely unprepared for any national office, let alone making a run for the presidency in 2012, that her ambition is laughable. Hillary Clinton, who has a remarkable grasp of issues couldn't win the nomination. What on earth makes Sarah Palin think she has any chance at all against one of the most verbally gifted presidents we've ever had?
I feel sorry for her family. I feel sorry for the country because we all know that she has some big revelation coming up, informing a public grown weary of her uninformed garbled ideas of her next biggest thing. For sure she's writing a book. But books come and go, and often end up in the $5.00 bin. Honestly, I wouldn't buy it if someone offered me a free car to go with it. Well, maybe I would. What kind of car?
Talk show? Supreme Ruler of the Planet? Pregnant again? Training for a footrace with President Obama, a race she's sure she'd win due to her superior physical condition? Whatever it is, I can almost guarantee that it's going to make me run for the Pepto.
God help us all.
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